Accessing Workday In the internet browser of your choice, click on the settings menu in the top right and click new private/ incognito/ inPrivate tab (Will be called different things depending on browser). Chrome browser shown below as example: In the new Private browser that was just opened, type into the URL bar You should be redirected to a Microsoft account login screen. Type in the migration email address that was provided to you in the initial workday set up email. It will look something like this: Once you log in you will be prompted to set up DUO. Information to set that up can be found here: DUO MFA If you are off campus you should receive a menu that asks for a push, call, or passcode. If you are using the Duo Token, press the green button to generate a passcode. If all goes well you should see a screen that asks if you would like to remember this device, you can choose to remember it or skip if you prefer, but in the end you should now be in workday!