Analytics & Reporting Center (ARC) - User Guide for Student Identification Report
Below is a breakdown of how to use the Student Identification report in order to verify a student’s identification. The report is used in place of the Library’s shared folder of student photos. Additionally, this report can be used if you have a need for verifying a student, but do not have access to: MyUWS Class List, BadgePass or PowerCampus.
Access Report
Click on the following link to access the Student Identification Report: http://sql03/Reports/report/BPassReport/Report
Each individual needing access to the report must be in the Active Directory Group “BPass Report.” Otherwise, you will blocked from accessing the report.
How Use the Report
Below are guidelines for using the report.
Individual Search
Here are the guidelines for searching for an individual.
- Remove BOTH NULL check marks, if you want to search for First and/or Last name of student.
Enter First Name of individual you are looking up.
- The search is setup so you can search by just the first letter(s) of the individuals first name and/or last name.
- Hit ‘View Report’ to see all results.
The report will return all relative matches.
- Refine search, if desired.
Multi-Person Search
Here are the guidelines for searching for multiple students in one search.
- Make sure that both the Null Boxes are checked, if you want to search for a student’s full name.
Add a student’s first name and last name to search for a single individual
- Hit Enter and add each additional individual you want published in the report.
- When all individuals have been added hit View Report.