PowerCampus - Faculty Account Creation
Faculty account creation in PowerCampus and Self-Service (MyUWS) is in coordination with Technical Services creating Active Directory accounts based on a help desk ticket requesting access to UWS systems and applications. Faculty records are manually added to PowerCampus. Faculty and Student records are separate.
- People Code ID
Email addresses
- Faculty, @uws.edu
- Student, @student.uws.edu
Record Types
- Faculty
- Employee
- Instructor
- MyUWS Accounts
Automation adds to Self-Service (MyUWS.) Faculty authenticates using their People Code ID and DOB.
This document is designed to supplement documents provided by Ellucian.
Add New Faculty
The primary actions required to add a new user to PowerCampus and My UWS.
1. Create a new People record
2. Add UWS email
3. Add additional Record Types
4. Update username in PersonUser to match actual AD username, if needed.
Add a New People Record
Adding a new people record will assign a people_code_id to the user’s record. Add this ID to the help desk ticket. TS will contact the faculty on how to access and authenticate into MyUWS.
Administration must identify:
- User full name
- User email address (@UWS.EDU, etc.)
Date of Birth
Pull from Student Record OR
- Contact HR
The following prerequisites are necessary to perform the Add New User activities.
- Sufficient rights in PowerCampus to create a new people account and modify Faculty Record Type
- Login Access and Administrative right to MyUWS to login and confirm Person User ID is correct
Adding a new Faculty record is performed within the desktop, PowerCampus application. Note these instructions cover the minimum information needed to create a usable record.
1. Open PowerCampus
2. Open Academic SetFlow
3. Open the Workflow, Faculty
4. Go to File -> New
5. On the Faculty Name tab enter:
a) Prefix (Dr. if applicable)
b) first name
c) last name
d) Select ‘Email’ as Preferred Address
e) Birth Date
f) Save
6. In the Address tab:
a) Select the Address Type ‘Email’
b) Ensure Active is selected for Status
c) Expand the address form
d) Enter faculty email address
e) Save
7. In the Record Type tab:
a) Ensure Employee type
b) Ensure Faculty type
c) Insert Instructor
This faculty member will now have an Id (People_code_id) assigned, will have an accessible email address in, Address_AddressSchedule and a Faculty record that feeds over to MyUWS.
Confirm PersonUser ID Record
The PersonUser record is required and is the record used to associate permissions for faculty in MyUWS.
The following prerequisites are necessary to create a PersonUser record.
- Faculty People record has been created
- Faculty Active Directory account User Name
Confirm the PersonUser ID record matches the AD User Name.
1. Open PowerCampus.
2. Open the SetFlow, System Administrator.
3. Open the Workflow, Record Maintenance.
4. Choose Global Change
a) Enter Person User in Global Change Table Selection data box
b) Choose Person User from dropdown or hit tab
c) Select Person User Name
d) Select Edit
e) Enter part of full faculty last name between ‘%’ signs in the Criteria box
f) Choose Save and Close
g) Confirm that Non-Qualified User Name and User Name match the AD User Name
- If they match hit cancel
If they do not match select Manual Update radio button and Next
- Update Non-Qualified User Name
- Update User Name
- Click Finish
- Close Process Log
PowerCampus will feed the Person User Name/ID to MyUWS.
Confirm Access to My UWS
MyUWS is the name of the UWS PowerCampus, Self-service portal. The user added to PowerCampus will be the account used to log in to My UWS.
The following prerequisites are necessary to add access to My UWS.
- User account created in PowerCampus, must include their UWS active directory (AD) username
- Role/permission to be assigned for My UWS activities
- Administrative permissions to access user administration
1. Open a browser (Chrome, Firefox) and go to https://my.uws.edu/.
2. Log in with your administrative account
3. Open the Administration -> User Maintenance page
4. Click on Create User.
a) Enter first, last, or other identifying information for the user to be added
b) Click Search
c) Select the user to be added in the Search Results list.
d) Select the Roles for the user (left hand navigation pane, under Multiple Accounts title bar).
The user should now have access to My UWS with the appropriate permissions to fulfill their responsibilities.
Reassign IT Support Ticket
In coordination with Technical Services creating Faculty account information is returned to TS for MyUWS login email communication to faculty.
1. Login to Help Desk Ticket assigned for account creation, https://helpdesk.uws.edu
2. Add a note about:
a) Access granted
b) User Name
c) ID
d) Email
3. Reassign ticket to TS for MyUWS login communication that they will send to faculty.