PowerCampus - Degree Requirement Setup - Catalog Classification
This article will provide steps for a PowerCampus user to setup Catalog Classification in Degree Requirements in order to build out an Academic Plan.
In order for a UWS employee to setup a Catalog Classification in PowerCampus, the following must be true:
- PowerCampus user has write access in the Academic Plan tab
- PowerCampus is installed on user's machine
- Codes to be entered into Code Table have been approved by Data Governance
- The Event Classifications and Discipline Codes associated to the Degree Requirements have been created and entered into PowerCampus' Code Table
Data Definitions
Degree requirements are user-defined and enable you to group together a number of different disciplines. You may assign disciplines and their related classifications and coursework here as requirements for specific program/degree/curriculum combinations.
In order to minimize data entry, degree requirements are built hierarchically starting at the program level.
For example, all undergraduate programs may have the same basic core requirements. Any disciplines, classifications, or coursework that is required for all undergraduate students can be entered for the undergraduate program. (The Degree and Curriculum fields can be left blank during this phase.) If disciplines and classifications have been previously set up for the matriculation year and term, all of the associated information will default.
The below information will provide the necessary steps to setup a Degree Requirement.
1. Open the PowerCampus application.
2. Login to PowerCampus.
3. Click on the Academic Records icon in the left-hand panel.
4. Click on the Workflow tab in the ribbon, on the top of the page.
5. Select Degree Requirement Setup in the drop-down menu.
6. Double click on Catalog Classification.
7. Enter Matriculation Year and Term.
8. Choose Classification from dropdown.
9. Click on the insert icon to add a new row.
10. Enter all classifications needed for programs in the matriculation year and term.
11. Click Save.
12. For each classification, double click on the magnifying glass to edit/add the associated courses.
13. Enter course code, choose subtype, enrolled sequence if program has sequence, check the Required box, uncheck the Accept any passing grade box and choose minimum grade.
14. Click Insert to add an additional row, as needed.
15.Click Save and Repeat step 13 for each classification added in step 12.
16. Now you are ready to setup the Discipline.