PowerCampus - Create Event Classifications and Discipline Codes
This article will provide steps for a PowerCampus user to setup Event Classifications and Discipline codes in order to build out an Academic Plan.
In order for a UWS employee to setup Event Classifications and Discipline codes, the following must be true:
- PowerCampus user has write access in the Academic Plan tab
- PowerCampus is installed on user's machine
- Codes to be entered into Code Table have been approved by Data Governance
Data Definitions
Classifications are user-defined and enable you to group together a number of different courses. For example, you could classify the lower-level French language courses that fulfill your institution's language requirement as 'French Lang Req', the lower-level Spanish language courses that fulfill it as 'Spanish Lang Req', etc. Then, whenever the classification of French Lang Req is assigned, the appropriate French courses will be automatically assigned.
Disciplines are user-defined and enable you to group together a number of different classifications. For example, you could create a discipline that included either the French Lang Req classification OR the Spanish Lang Req classification OR the German Lang Req classification, etc. You could call this discipline 'Language Req'. Then, when you create the requirements for each of your liberal arts degrees, you already have a neat package prepared to assign to each degree that includes a core language requirement.
To create an Academic Plan, follow these steps.
1. Open the PowerCampus application.
2. Login to PowerCampus.
3. Click on the Academic Records icon in the left-hand panel.
4. Click on Tools tab in the ribbon, on the top of the page.
5. Select Code Tables in the drop-down menu.
6. Click Event Classification in the Code Table.
a. Click File > New to create a new Classification.
b. Enter data into the New Event Classification and click save. Please note: prior to enter new codes into the table, codes must be approved by data goverance.
7. Click Discpline in the Code Table.
a. Click File > New to create a new Discipline.
b. Enter data into the New Discipline and click save. Please note: prior to enter new codes into the table, codes must be approved by data goverance.
8. Now that Event Classification and Desciplines codes have been setup, Degree Requirement can be setup, please start with Catalog Classification setup.