Office 365 - OneDrive - Desktop Setup
This article will provide instructions on how to setup your OneDrive on your computer.
In order to setup OneDrive on your desktop the following must be true:
- An Office 365 account has been created for you by an IT member through the onboarding process; and
- You are a student of UWS; or
- You are an employee of UWS
Follow these steps to get OneDrive setup on your computer:
1. Click the Windows icon in the lower left hand corner of your monitor
2. Type 'OneDrive'
3. Select 'OneDrive'
4. Enter your UWS email and click 'Sign in'
5. Enter your UWS password
6. Note where your OneDrive is saved on your computer and click 'Next'
7. Walk through the 'Get to know your OneDrive' tutorial
8. Go to File Explore and click on 'OneDrive -'
9. Now you are setup and can start saving files in this location. Every file that is saved here is accessible is accessible online, on your cell phone (if setup) and on your desktop.